• Breaking News

    السبت، 9 يونيو 2012

    Bid to expand colony into West Bank

    Occupied Jerusalem - The occupied city of Jerusalem is seeking to expand the colony of Gilo beyond Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem with 2,500 new homes in the adjacent West Bank, an Israeli lawyer said on Friday.

    Daniel Seiderman, a lawyer active in the anti-colony movement, said the idea was endorsed at a city planning meeting last month.
    “Ten days ago the municipal planning board deliberated on a plan to build another 2,500 units in Gilo,” he said. “The precise area is beyond the municipal... line of Gilo.”
    He said the intended enlargement would be in addition to plans formally announced last month for 2,000 new homes in Gilo, which lies just a few kilometres north of Bethlehem.

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