• Breaking News

    الثلاثاء، 14 فبراير 2012

    Video: TweakTown’s Deanzo shows us how to crank an FX-8150 Bulldozer to 7.78GHz on LN2

    Armed with a GIGABYTE 900FXA-UD7 motherboard and a few liters of liquid nitrogen, Dean ‘Deanzo’ Smith shows us on video what it takes to cool an AMD FX-8150 processor all the way down to minus 180 degrees Celsius and hit incredible clock speeds in excess of 7.7GHz. You have to take look at this video; it’s great to get an experienced overclocker showing us step-by-step how to insulate the motherboard properly, patiently pouring in the LN2 until you get the desired CPU temperature.

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    Interestingly Dean recently took part in a GIGABYTE Extreme OC Workshop in Brisbane Australia where pros like himself and our very own Dino gave enthusiasts a chance to get hands on with LN2 overclocking. You can read Dean’s report on the event on TweakTown here.


    You can click here to learn more about the GIGABYTE 990FXA-UD7 featured in the video above.

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